Food is Art.

Hello and welcome! I am so excited to relaunch my brand and I am thrilled you’re here. If you don’t know me, are new here or it’s just been awhile, let me introduce myself. My name is Nicole McDuffie. I am foremost a wife and mother to 2 amazing kiddos. My family has been here in the San Angelo area for 7 generations. I’m a Pisces, love to travel, play tennis and hang with friends & family. My passion is serving others and creating memories.

I’ve been in the hospitality industry for over 30 years. (Whoa!) I started at the age of 14 waiting tables (yes, you could work that young back then) and quickly worked my way up to Front of House manager by the age of 16. Soon I found myself longing to learn Back of House and decided to attend culinary school at The Art Institute of Houston in 2000. I went on to work for caterers in Houston serving private homes in West University to Museum Galas to sports events at the University of Houston. I then had the amazing opportunity to work as Asst Pastry Chef at the infamous Cafe Annie under the tutelage of Chef Robert de Grande & Ben Berryhill. I have recipe developed for cookbooks, consulted on start up projects from menu design to kitchen layouts and equipment selection. I have run small and large kitchens as kitchen manager as well as food styled for blogs and magazines (such as Texas Monthly & Magnolia Journal.) I have run a private catering business for many years, serving all over the state of Texas. I continue to seek new ways to serve others and get creative in the kitchen. There is always something to learn.

Everyone is welcome here. My hope is that my passion for all things food ignites some creativity in you! This place is meant to inspire you to get in the kitchen and play with your food. To get out and explore the world of food around you, to try something new. Whether you’re a novice or a pro, I hope you find this space as a place of inspiration and comfort.

I believe that food unites us. It’s something that has brought us all to the table for fellowship for centuries. Sharing a meal with someone, I believe, can be one of the richest experiences in life. We can learn to get to know someone new, to reunite with old friends, to have hard conversations, to laugh, to cry, to celebrate and to mourn. Through every bite we create new memories. This is what my monthly supper clubs seek to do. Provide a place to slow down & savor these moments.

I am so honored and humbled you are here. Whether you are looking to book a private event in my space or your home, book a wedding or dine with us for supper clubs or wine pairings, I invite you to come along on this journey with me. Share your gifts. Inspire others. Take risks but most importantly, remember to have fun, get in the kitchen and enjoy the ride!

Peace & Love,


……….now let’s eat!